Saturday, 22 September 2007

There at last!

Well, I now have a staircase, a room and my name on the wall. (A day before I thought we'd be able to get in.) So it must be official.

I also have a very full calendar, all of a sudden. I'm relieved that from random conversations, there are plenty of people who haven't really got started on their New Testament Greek, so I even feel a teeny bit smug.
Moving in felt a bit strange. Not quite winding back the clock 20 years, but some elements of that. All those bookshelves look so empty, in spite of a couple of boxes of books. They'll fill up soon enough.
I met about a third of my staircase. Everyone seems reassuringly normal. (Why does a bit of me still expect Christians in general and ordinands in particular to be, er, a bit odd?)
Perhaps I should populate a wish list, in case any wellwishers feel like subbing my library. I'll toy with that idea a little (which is competing in my head with an address to send Caffè Nero vouchers).

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It's great to get comments - a good way to encourage, challenge and help me! Thank you. Jeremy