Monday 29 October 2007

I'm in my prime...

Strictly speaking I'm now in one of my primes, but am no longer the age (according to DNA001 mark one) of the answer.

Should have thought to get a picture of all of us at staircase fellowship group, but here is some evidence of festivities on 'H'.

Looking forward to cake at home later. (And backward to yesterday - when I had my camera but forgot to use it. Bah!)

By the way, I had the pleasure of leading 'alternative morning prayer' on the staircase last week, which I thoroughly enjoyed, except (note to self) with a little time pressure I cut the mention of King 'Cakes' Alfred, forgetting he was there in the collect.

Back at the farm, tooth fairies continue their raids.

Autumn continues to charm.

We continue to enjoy pleasant company.

Now, especially for you, David, some reading lists :)

One of my courses this term is Pastoral Skills for Mission and Ministry (I'll try and give you another later on): like a number of our courses, this is dual purpose, being a module of both the Anglia Ruskin University B.A. and the University of Cambridge BTh and CTM courses (same teaching, different assessment).

Key texts are

  • Fiddes, P (2000) Participating in God: A Pastoral Theology of the Trinity, London: DLT
  • Long, Anne (1990) Listening, London: DLT
  • Lynch, Gordon (2003) Pastoral Care and Counselling, London: Sage
  • Whitehead, J D and Whitehead, E (1995) Method in Ministry: Theological Reflection and Christian Ministry (Revised edition), Kansas City: Sheed and Ward
  • Woodward, J and Pattison, S (2001) Blackwell Reader in Practical and Pastoral Theology, Oxford: Blackwell
  • Willows and Swinton (2001) Spiritual Dimensions of Pastoral Care, London: Jessica Kingsley

Plus I've borrowed

  • Graham, E, Walton, H and Ward, F (2005) Theological Reflection: Methods, London: SCM
  • Graham, E, Walton, H and Ward, F (2007) Theological Reflection: Sources, London: SCM


  1. Yes, the tooth fairy is a persistent little sprite; how does he carry all those coins in his pocket, I wonder?

    Jer; thanks for the list; I'll start working on it. You have to read all those this term?

  2. :)

    For most of our courses, I'd say it's about 2-4 books per course per week; for this one so far there have been more single chapters and not too much heavy reading. Making time for journal-writing and attempting to use a model from Pattison for theological reflection is my main time commitment on this one right now. Contrasting "Reading the Christian Bible" which at the rate we're hammering through generates a LOT of reading - another day I'll post some of that.

  3. I've ordered the Fiddes. Will read it ASAP.
    All our love to the family.


It's great to get comments - a good way to encourage, challenge and help me! Thank you. Jeremy